A new Guess the Company quiz

I thought it about time to post another guess the game company, from the altered logo, quiz was due.  And as there is no game story update to post, this would be a good filler until the next one goes up. This one should be an easy one for any gamer.  I would have thought…

Guess the games company – no. 3

I haven’t done one of these for over a year now.  (Damn time flies.)  So I thought it was about time I tried another, and see what responses I get this time.  All you have to do is look at the following picture and guess the game company behind the logo. This is only for…

Guess the company ‘too’

Here is another guess the gaming company behind the logo quiz.  Sorry but there are no prizes, can’t afford such luxuries. I am sure that this one may be on the easy side too, but it is just for a bit of fun.  So which gaming company had this logo on their products?