Mutant Chronicles 3rd Edition Kickstarter

On the 28th January 2014, another roleplaying game was launched on the Kickstater site, in the hope of receiving funding to go ahead with the project.  This game is the third edition of a game enjoyed by many people in its previous lives.  Now Modiphius Entertainment is taking charge of the helm on this one,…

Assault on the Mountains of Madness

Since my report on the Achtung! Cthulhu kickstarter last week, Modiphius has managed to reach two-thirds the funding on their stretch goal for the wartime Antarctic campaign inspired by H. P. Lovecraft’s ‘At the Mountains of Madness’.  And they have been gradually releasing illustrations for the campaign by the Japanese guest artist, Korungn. Enjoy some…


I am not sure how many of you know about this already, but I thought it was worthy of letting you all know, especially those that have not heard before.  Personally I had not heard about it straight away, and only found out about a week after it had started. Now for those who love…