New additions to the collection – April 2014

Not such a big update to my gaming collection this month.  (Got to watch the poor wallet sometimes.) This time it is another core rule book set in the Warhammer 40,000 (40k) universe, and this time we have the book that covers the Space Marines.  The title of this book is called ‘Deathwatch’, and I…

What would you suggest?

Earlier this week I got asked to recommend a good role-playing board game, one that could be easily played by only two people.  I was also told me that they got fed up with only playing something like Monopoly, which took too long to finish.  This question was asked of me by a friend’s daughter,…

Catch up on latest buys

I thought it was about time I updated the blog with some more of the recent purchases.  First of all there are some more cheap brand new boardgames from the same chain of shops, (some of them from different towns than the others I had visited,) as the previous boardgames. This one was bought from…

Game session update & exciting new boardgame

Unfortunately there was no gaming session again last week, (reason unknown) as it was cancelled in the last hour, so there will be no update or write-up from that session, not even a one-shot this time.  Hopefully everything will be as normal this week.  Also not sure what is happening with the Rogue Trader update…

Unintentional Emptyness

First I would like to apologies for the long gap since my last post, also news of the Rogue Trader post, there are still plenty more episodes of this tale, unfortunately we have one update that is going to be late due to time and commitment, that was taken by the games GM as Chris…