Japanese 360 version of FFXIII

Japan are finally getting a release of Final Fantasy XIII on the Xbox 360 this coming December 2010, the 16th to be precise.  It will be titled Final Fantasy XIII Ultimate Hits International, and at a budget price, a first for Square Enix on the 360 in Japan. But here is the interesting news, it…

New Halloween adventure

Due for release as a download on the Xbox’s marketplace, and on the Playstation’s Store, is a new adventure/rpg from Double Fine Studios and will be published by THQ.  This new IP will be titled Costume Quest and will be available on 31st October 2010. The game is set during a Halloween night, in an…

Getting achievements

Last night I spent my short time online with the Xbox 360, getting my American friend some achievments on Fable II.  I invited him to my game, and he became my henceman while I did what was necessary to net him the cheevos. First I got him  ‘The Dollcatcher’, and  ‘The Hoarder’ achievements by selling…

Happy 19th Sonic

I would like to wish Sonic (the hedgehog) a Happy 19th birthday. And for today only, on Xbox360 Marketplace there is a price reduction on four of Sega’s Sonic XLBA titles all priced from 400 down to 240 ms (microsoft points). The titles are ‘Sonic the Hedgehog’, ‘Sonic the Hedgehog 2’, ‘Sonic the Hedgehog 3’,…

Some more idea.

I have had a few more ideas that may be of interest to fellow games, that I could implement to this blog soon. Like for example, I could include roleplaying games from the electronic formats, Playstation 3, Xbox 360 etc. For instance, a couple of weeks ago I helped a fellow 360 gamer get a…