New additions to the collection – September 2014

Another month gone by, and a few more items added to my still growing collection.  There are always so many different items that are out which I would still like to get a hold of.  Add them to the collection. First up is a Role Playing Game book which I have been meaning to buy…

Something Old, Something New, & Maybe Blue.

Over the weekend just past I went to a City that is about an hours journey by car, so as to take a look around the shops.  You know the usual hunting for things that may entice the wallet.  The city has a good selection of shops that cater for my tastes, and as usual…

Assault on the Mountains of Madness

Since my report on the Achtung! Cthulhu kickstarter last week, Modiphius has managed to reach two-thirds the funding on their stretch goal for the wartime Antarctic campaign inspired by H. P. Lovecraft’s ‘At the Mountains of Madness’.  And they have been gradually releasing illustrations for the campaign by the Japanese guest artist, Korungn. Enjoy some…


I am not sure how many of you know about this already, but I thought it was worthy of letting you all know, especially those that have not heard before.  Personally I had not heard about it straight away, and only found out about a week after it had started. Now for those who love…

Catch up #2 Systems & bits

A few weekends back I came across some more cheap gaming books, systems and add-ons, and decided to add a few more of these to my collection.  After getting them home I quickly took a picture of them, so I could share these with you too. Only got two new systems from the haul, the…