Another update and catch up

Well it has unfortunately been awhile since I last posted something on here.  As I type I am still waiting for a post for the Gumshoe game that was played, plus there is also a two session game of Amazing engine that we played through that is also awaiting to be written up and posted. …

Dragon Age Facebook game

Bioware has announced that they will be releasing a Facebook exclusive game called Dragon Age Legends, and it will be arriving early next year. Playing Dragon Age Journeys will allow fans on Facebook not only to experience a new adventure within Thedas, but also to unlock items for use when they play Dragon Age 2.…

Dragon Age Origin news

A listing has appeared on a US game store site, there looks like an Ultimate Edition of Dragon Age Origin will be arriving in shops soon.  (Scheduled for 12th October 2010.)  This would lead us to assume that this edition of the game will arrive bundled with all the downloadable content that is currently available,…